
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting!

Here are a few of the latest pins that I have found:

This would be so cute to do during an ocean/beach theme.

fun science activity- glow in the dark playdoh

What I keep telling myself and my excuse for not wanting to clean.

This pretty much sums up how I feel in the mornings Monday-Friday. 


  1. Haha I can totally relate to the house thing... You know it's bad when your husband does more cleaning than you do! :/

    I would love for you to stop by and say hi!

    Have a fabulous wednesday!

  2. i used to make paper plate art for my dad to take to his office when i was little, but it was never as sophisticated as that aquarium! :)

    happy wednesday!
    xo, sarah grace

  3. Hey! Just found your blog! (:

    They glow in the dark project looks super fun and pretty (:

    Have a good day!

    xoxo Heather

  4. I need to hang that clean house sign up in my house ASAP.

    xo, Emily


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